Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thanks Coach

Today I had the privilege of meeting Mike Montgomery, the head basketball coach at Cal. We're doing a paper on leadership for my.... leadership class, and we have to interview two senior...leaders and compare and contrast their styles. It's really more about social networks but dont get me started, this may be the most useless class that I have taken since Landscape Architecture 210 at Penn State (at least that was an easy A that i went to twice all semester).

Anyway, Coach Monty was pretty funny. Right after walking into the room and seeing 4 MBA students he responded, "It takes 4 of you to write a paper?" and later uttered "What no girls? You guys must not be all that smart after all".

The biggest takeaway from it is that people make a lot of assumptions about you and your skills just by your association. He mentioned that if he is successful, than when his assistant coaches go for jobs it's assumed that they know what they are doing. Kind of like you can have a complete (common sense) moron go to Harvard, yet everyone looks at the name and makes an assumption.

Coach said his advice is to latch onto a star and ride the coat-tails. Looking back on some of life's decisions, I think there is a lot of wisdom in his words. Now if he can only help me with my jump-shot...

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