Monday, May 4, 2009

Robbed by the Rice Krispies Guys

I was at the grocery store today (and yes, Safeway stores in Berkeley are much crappier than most A&P and Shop-Rites back east) when something really strange happened. I got to the checkout counter and was emptying everything onto the conveyor belt when I noticed my box of Cheerios was gone. I KNOW that I put it in there. Someone actually yanked my cereal box out of my cart. WTF Man?!

I've had a few things stolen from me over the years: t-shirts, sandals, sweaters, my dog (i didnt even have a dog! long story....) but those are aren't even the strangest of them all. A few years ago, for Hoboken St. Patrick's Day, my roommates and I had one of our Apartment 1112 blowout parties. I'd say at least 130 different people circulated in and out of our place that day and also convened in our bedrooms since the place was so packed. And at the end of the day something of mine was stolen. Not my tv, laptop, ipod, nor clothing.... but my Gillette Fusion Razor. Really, Lloyd?! Really?!

So what's the strangest thing you've had stolen?

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